This year, people from across the world organised, campaigned and took to the streets for an end to the genocide in Gaza and justice for Palestinians. Aotearoa saw the movement build across the country, as our government emerged as one of a handful to actively align with the U.S.A. by sending troops to the Red Sea and stalling UNRWA funding. This ever-closeness to US foreign policy disturbed many in the ActionStation community, as we witnessed the genocide of a population, and the murder of tens of thousands of children.
In March 2024, 87.3% of our members told us they support a ceasefire in Gaza. This led us to actively support the solidarity movement for Palestine. Groups formed around the country, from our biggest cities to small towns. We took action by:
- Working with a group of concerned journalists, Justice for Palestine and Dayenu to produce Palestine in the Press: A Handbook For Action On Better Reporting On Palestine In Aotearoa helping people to take effective action against biased and discriminatory reporting in our news media.
- Working with Dayenu - Jews Against Occupation to host the webinar Speaking About Palestine: Can Human Rights Help?
- Running a project which put posters in people’s front windows across the country, calling for a Ceasefire Now and a Free Palestine. We also worked with Amnesty International and Save the Children to send an open letter to the Prime Minister to call for a ceasefire, and backed it up with an ad on the front page of The Post.
- Working with Mindful Money to help people see if their KiwiSaver is invested in Israeli Apartheid. (We are now encouraging people to join the Don’t Bank on Apartheid campaign who want to take part in this - details below).
- Supported the release of the request by a group of lawyers to the Inspector General of Intelligence and Security for an inquiry into whether or not NZ intelligence has been used in international war crimes in Gaza.
- Supporting organisers to put together the Māori Call for Palestine. This included a 9,000+ signature strong petition and a powerful event at Parliament.
We also set up a Solidarity for Palestine hub page where all of the petitions we’re supporting from across the motu are hosted together. At the time of publication over 44k actions have been taken across 18 campaigns so far. The petitions included a number of communities calling on their councils to support a ceasefire and introduce procurement policies that prevent investment in Israeli companies. There were also a number of student campaigns and an open letter from staff members, students and alumni of Aotearoa universities calling for their institutions to stand in solidarity with Palestine.
Three of the divestment campaigns we hosted and supported on OurActionStation had noteworthy wins. SJP Canterbury successfully campaigned for Christchurch City to be the first city in Aotearoa to economically sanction Israel. It amended its procurement policy to exclude companies building and maintaining illegal Israeli settlements on Palestinian land. Te Tau Ihu Palestine Solidarity also launched a campaign calling on Nelson City Council to also pass a resolution to amend its procurement policy which was successful. As a result of a campaign led by Student Justice for Palestine Pōneke, Victoria University of Wellington Foundation announced its divestment from all Israeli government bonds and shares of companies listed in Israel. The Foundation had previously reported having close to $50,000 invested in Israeli government bonds.
We spent a lot of time with Justice for Palestine’s lead campaigners, supporting the planning and launch of the Kiwisaver divestment campaign ‘Don’t Bank on Apartheid’ which brought together groups from across the movement here in Aotearoa under a common goal. Their first target is ASB. Make sure to join their campaign to take action in the year to come against apartheid and for justice in Palestine!
While the injustices against Palestinians, their lives and their rights continue, ActionStation will stand in solidarity and take every opportunity to make a difference.
From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.